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October Message

This past week, the counselors at Lava Ridge kicked off our RESPONSIBILITY LESSONS which were delivered to all students. The topic of our first lesson was on Responsibility To Ourselves. It’s been said that you can’t pour from an empty cup, you must take care of yourself first...this is called Self-Care. The lesson’s focus was on our RESPONSIBILITY in building Good Character, a Powerful Mind, and a Strong Body.

Good Character comes from Disciplining ourselves, while Discipline comes from doing what needs to be done, when it needs to be done, even when we don’t want to do it. Often our students are faced with split-in-the-road decisions that can change their lives drastically. When faced with this, do they have the discipline and respect for themselves enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves them, helps them grow, or gets them closer to their goals?

A healthy mind is a Powerful Mind. In order to keep it strong and powerful, we must exercise and challenge it just like we would if we wanted to increase strength in any other muscle. We

discussed the importance of being responsible on the Internet, and avoiding inappropriate mu- sic, videos, and images that can be scarring to our brains. We talked about being aware and

paying attention to that Gut Feeling, because it’s our body’s automatic Warning System.

We have a Responsibility to Build a Strong Body. When we have healthy bodies we are better able to withstand the storms that come our way. It’s not a matter of IF they’ll come, but when. To be healthier and stronger, students are encouraged to eat a balanced diet, exercise, and get plenty of sleep, preferably 10 hours per night. Some suggestions to help them do this are to set curfews on technology and to avoid caffeinated drinks in the evening.

As I spent the entire day Thursday teaching your child, I was very pleased and appreciative of their participation, respect, and good behavior! Thank you for all you do at home to help your

student build Good Character, a Powerful Mind, and a Strong Body! To echo what my coun- seling co-worker said last week: I too am grateful for our school/home partnership and look

forward to working with you and your students this year. We’re off to a great start; let’s keep moving onward and upward, Geckos!

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