Seasonal Support & 7th Grade CCR's
Days are getting shorter and the weather is getting cooler! Fall is in the air and winter will soon be here. Our Lava Ridge Counselors want you to know that we have many resources available to students to help in the coming months. Some of the programs we can assist families with include:
KONY Coins for Kids
Spectrum clothing/blanket drive
DI Vouchers
“Jackets for James”-winter coats for students
KSL Quarters for Christmas
Please don’t hesitate to contact your counselors if your students could benefit from these programs. We are happy to assist you in accessing the services you need to make this a merry time of year.
Our classroom lessons continued this past month as we discussed our Responsibility to our Families. We learned our role within each of our families and why they need us as much as we need them. We saw that we all have things in common but that no families are exactly alike and it is important to appreciate and help our families as much as we can. Our families can be a place of safety and peace and we can all help to foster respect, love and service within the walls of our home. There are no perfect families but they belong to us and we can try to treat each other with kindness and compassion. Next month, we will look at our Responsibility to our School.
Finally, we are beginning our College and Career Conferences with 7th grade students this month. Each 7th grade parent should have received an email with details. Please see our website at for all the specifics, more information and to see the many other services we offer at our school. Thank you for the opportunity to work with your students!