2025-2026 7th Registration
Are you currently in the Dual Immersion Spanish or Chinese Program?
Click here for more information and to see options for electives.
7th Grade Registration Process
Scroll down to view videos and get information about each of the elective classes.
1. Read to understand all the information here and/or watch the overview video.
2. Watch the class videos below & rank your Elective choices.​
3. Click on and fill out the Google Form below to register your class choice.
Remember, requesting a class doesn't guarantee placement, but we will do our best to honor them. Some classes will only be offered if we have enough requests to carry the sections.
7th Grade Required Classes
​We are on Semesters/Quarters at Lava Ridge.
1 unit=Full Year Class & .5 unit= Half Year Class.
Advisory-daily intervention, homework & study help. (1 Unit)
Core Academic Classes -Math 7, Language Arts 7, Science 7 (3 Units)
College Career Awareness (CCA) Courses-career exploration and preparation for college admission. (1 Unit)
One semester of Health 1/Phys Ed 7 (.5 Unit)
One semester of Utah Studies. (.5 Unit)
One full year or two semester Elective Classes totaling (1 Unit).
You should have 7 Units total. If it helps you to organize, you may download/print the worksheet below. You will OFFICIALLY register using the button below.
Elective Classes
Students may choose 1 Unit to fill their schedule. Watch the video/slideshows below to help you decide then fill out the Google Form by clicking the banner below. These requests are due by January 13, 2022.