We Love Our Students!
Happy April from your Lava Ridge Counselors!
Can I just say how much we enjoy your students...they’re doing such great things and we’re so proud of them!
This past week the counselors spent 2 days teaching the 6th and 7th graders their final counselor lesson of the year. We continued with our them of “Responsibility” as we taught them about their responsibilities to our community, country, and
world. Some of the things discussed were: Service, Honoring our Military, Kind- ness, Respect, and Remembering those that have Paid the Ultimate Price that we
may enjoy the freedoms that we have.
We also talked about the the 3 R’s: REDUCE, REUSE, and RECYCLE. We en- courage families to do their part in fulfilling this Responsibility. TIPS: Use cold wa- ter when you wash clothes; close blinds in the heat of the summer; fix leaky fau- cets; wear hand-me-downs or take items to the D.I.; don’t throw cell phones in the
trash, take them to a store like Best Buy and recycle them. Let us all do our part to contribute to taking care of our communities, country, and world.
Sometime this month we will be sending out our “Needs Assessment.” Please watch for this to come in email form, or you may also go on our counselor website https://www.counseling.lavaridge.net/ and find the needs assessment there by clicking on TALK TO US in the top right corner. The assessment feedback is very
important to our counseling program and our school, as it allows us to better un- derstand the needs of our students and their parents that in turn we might im- prove our program and “Do What’s Best for All Students.”
We HOPe you have an EGGstraordinary April, everyone!